
HACCP system development: Health, safety and hygiene in the conservation, cooking, and feeding of food

Health & Safety Project Engineering

Health, safety and hygiene in the conservation, cooking, and feeding of food

Health, safety and hygiene in the conservation, cooking, and feeding of food

HACCP Service

More Info


When we talk about HACCP, we mean "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points". All the small, medium and big companies, restaurant, bars, markets, which process food are subject to compliance with the standard 43/93 / EEC.
The work phases for the treatment of food, affected by the HACCP standard are:

  • production of containers and packaging in direct contact with food
  • food packaging and confectioning
  • food storage
  • food production
  • food transport
  • food preparation and cooking
  • food administration

We are available to companies that process food and need consulting for the drafting of the manual, procedures, and modules necessary to implement and maintain an adequate HACCP system according to standard 43/93 / EEC and in compliance with the laws and regulations currently in force, in the field of food.



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